Monday, April 28, 2008

Something out of the ordinary

I saw someone die today :D

Isn't my life great? Thank goodness it wasn't anybody I knew but still...

Some old lady got hit by a car and I walked near the blood-spattered road.

I feel so psychotic right now I nearly strangled my friend :) aren't I nice??

We're all so fragile...Let me prove it. Come on~



andychoi said...

You actually saw the old lady get mowed down?
Or just passed by after it happened?

That's one more slow car off the road now.

castalnetta said...

people over the age of 70 and can't change gears within two seconds shouldn't be allowed to drive.

those little old ladies at the countdown carpark.. one day, they are going to mow us all down at the speed of 20kmh.

Raging Bull said...

wow, thats fucked up.. why would u een let yourself near anything blood spattered..

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

The lady was 64 years old and was too close to the road when a truck with a trailer counterpart accidentally mowed her. The truck driver didn't feel a thing.

And I saw the paramedics pulling a sheet over her.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Not to sound twisted or anything but that would've been a rather neat thing to see. I mean.. pretty rare thing right? ..

Reminds me of this NY-based photographer that goes by the name of Weegee who used to listen in on police radio calls and would arrive on the murder scene while there was still a crowd around the body. He would then photograph the crowd's fascination with the dead. Ahh, humans~..

Pretty neat, really.

Pannis McMannis said...

scary!!! but slightly awesome at the same time.
FRESH MEAT!!! for the health department!


Must have been insightful

I wish I was there to see.