Friday, September 14, 2007



The movie which I have now watched 3 times - twice in the movie theatres and once tonight, by my friend's downloaded version...


So go now, you juveniles, and experience the grand tale, that is the transformers movie, directed by Michael Bay.

Lol funny thing to note, is that when scorponok jumps out of the sand chasing Tyrese, when filming, the director told him "Tyrese, those are real explosives. DO NOT TRIP OVER."

So the fear on his face is real...

Same with where Sam stands on the statue before Megatron destroys the shit out of the building (standing 14 floors up), he had NO safety gear. It took the director 15minutes of convincing him to stand there to film it.

Funny stuff...


Pannis McMannis said...

need to check that expression... need to. need to also get a good quality version maybe a dvd rip :D

Florence said...

Hey there! I've linked you! (I see you've linked me too XD )

I LURVE Transformers too. Friggin' hilarious!

andychoi said...

Transformers... hilarious?!
Holy Leeroy Jenkins, you serious? lol

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

Hello florence~

Haha didn't know you were a fan too :D
Its got its funny moments but the action scenes are just freaking AWESUM!!!