Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Study again

The time is nigh folks, assessments, assignments, tests, lectures...

Walking to and fro from school in your most comfortable, not stylish clothes...

Running to the lecture theatre because you slept in, regretting that last drink you had last night or playing that last game of DotA...

Annoyed that the lecturer went 2 minutes over the usual time...

Hungry 24/7 even when you've just stood up from dinner...

When you have no time to check the mirror to see how bloodshot your eyes are...

Hello again.


Pannis McMannis said...

Wow.... i feels badz for you!! at least you're not getting fat?

Raging Bull said...

totally said good bye to those days...


Good luck y'all!!

Anonymous said...

Ohoho, I'd totally win in a "who has the most bloodshot eyes" competition..

You'd know if you saw me.

Rawr! I am a vampire.

What do you study btw..?

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

Haha all I've done after coming down here is walk, eat and sleep.

I study a BSc double majoring in Anatomy and Physiology with an interest paper in Microbiology.

It sounds impressive but that means that I screwed up in first year and now gotta start from scratch and face even worse competition :p

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...
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